Relocate Sentence Examples | Use Relocate in a sentence
1.you'll get bonus points if you are willing and able to Relocate without a company's assistance.
2.ray bonner first Relocated to africa several years ago
3.if the company was to Relocate, most employees would move
4.one client's timely check allowed his firm to Relocate and pay the new rent.
5.to Relocate to beijing with me, he made a great sacrifice.
6.col. gadhafi has several residences and other facilities outside tripoli to which he could Relocate, said a senior u. s. defense official.
7.all right. can you Relocate if you're hired by us?
8.manufacturing industries have been able to Relocate from high-cost to low-cost locations.
9.he decided to Relocate in new york because he found a good job there.
10.we have time to Relocate and diversify.
11.and he had to Relocate to camden county.
12.its headquarters will soon be Relocated from westminster to the greenwich site.
13.however, this raises costs, often forcing companies to Relocate their call-handling facilities offshore.
14.i will Relocate the capital to edo, where politics and the military will reconcile.
15.i wish to Relocate this fund in a foreigner's name to avoid any trace.
16.chrysler is currently trying to Relocate its tooling from the unnamed supplier to another facility near toronto.
17.sometimes you can Relocate directories without actually repartitioning the disk.
18.now look who had to Relocate to the suburbs.
19.this section shows how to install wpar manager and Relocate a running wpar.
20.he decided to Relocate in new york because be found a good work there.
21.what if more industries Relocate to china for lower production costs once the pact is signed?
22.another important reason to use wpar manager to Relocate wpars is that it also offers an automated recovery mechanism.
23.you can Relocate and mirror them.
24.in details view, you can use delete and move buttons to remove and Relocate items in the folder.
25.underwater homeowners who need to Relocate for a job should first discuss the situation with their employer.
26.you might have to Relocate to make it more convenient to get to your job, or to accept a new job offer.
27.preferred method for small pieces storage. flexible, convenient to assembling and knocking down. easy to adjust and Relocate.
28.i want to Relocate out of this country and come over there to your area so that i will secure a business opportunity.
29.this information can be used to determine when to Relocate a wpar manually to a system with lower utilization.
30.mr chambers also said cisco would Relocate up to 10 members of its senior management staff to india over the next several months.
31.meanwhile, the government of uttar pradesh says that they are planning to Relocate the farmers.
32.they are willing to Relocate to the united states and live with me at my house and want a good life.
33.live application mobility allows you to Relocate running wpars from one lpar to another.
34.the company said they would reinforce areas and Relocate residents if necessary.
35.if they break up, the company will probably have to Relocate one of them to make the workplace more comfortable.
36.these settings allow you to specify whether you want to Relocate the instrumented binary to another location.
37.i realized that he might be stationed far away from jamaica plain, but i told him i would Relocate and adjust.
38.they cannot Relocate to find employment.
39.we have to Relocate to the new jersey station.
40.so i'll probably want to Relocate.
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