Leam Sentence Examples | Use Leam in a sentence
1.domestic enterprises should Leam to take advantage of resource within global scope and launch international operation actively. the competition and cooperation with enterprises abroad can't be limited to demestic market. they should compete in the global market and search for partners within global scope.
2.according to the teaching practice and the summary of the findings, the korean teachers can Leam to establish common culture-teaching methods as well as establish and improve ways for students to learn and to stimulate students 'interest.
3.students should be adopted to study and Leam what kind of knowledge?
4.if you do not Leam to think when you are young, you may never Leam.
5.why don't you Leam something else?
6.we should Leam from the experiences and lessons of them to enhance the enterprise scale, tap the new product, introduce advanced technology and im-prove our competitive ability.
7.the active character of learning implies that students Leam actively, consciously and on their own initiatives from their intrinsic needs and sense of responsibility.
8.a school is a place where people Leam new things.
9.commercial banks in china have to go with such changes, Leam from successful examples from foreign banks and undertake functional transformation, changing their role into the financial service center form the capital exchange center.
10.secondly, we apply the method of reinforcement learning to intelligent learning agent to make it Leam the user's interest more precision, more quickly and more efficiency, to make it discover the divert of the user's interest in time.
11.boys and girls Leam better in single sex schools.
12.sure, it's not very difficult to Leam.
13.how do the students major in g in pem Leam the role?
14.moreover it revealed that from the experience of successes and failures in russia s grain reform, we can Leam something now useful in the reform of grain market in our country.
15.and then through the presentation of foreign and taiwan region of chinese right to informed consent of the relevant provisions of foreign countries not only allows us to understand the relevant legislation, but also help us to Leam from the experience of legislation.
16.what distinguishes her from the other staff is her willingness to Leam.
17.he needs to Leam his place in the world.
18.encouraging college students to do part-time job fits nicely with the idea that should Leam to be independent gradually.
19.i had to Leam fast in that job!
20.practical translation is the key way to Leam how to implement the translation theories.
21.in the school educational reforms, a part of teachers, staff and workers are on an un favourable footing and Leam from the setbacks.
22.the staff in the library should Leam how to organize network information so that they can help readers to use the information from network and serve students readers.
23.emotionalized can be very dangerous sometimes, so how to manage it is what you and i myself should Leam.
24.socialism should Leam from capitalism in terms of the level of productive forces.
25.conclusive in a process or progression. the comparative studying consciously is necessary when we begin to Leam another programming language course after one language has been leaned.
26.in addition, the extracurricular reading is able to moke the students to Leam more creatively.
27.but it's the responsibility of the students to Leam them all well.
28.through actively Leam the distribution of ports and flags of tcp packets that arrive at the protected network, people can compute the anomaly score of each tcp packet to detect various tcp scans including slow scans and stealthy scans.
29.learn true study apperception gnosis, understand conception and Leam, digest and enlarge knowledge, select updating knowledge and learn creative thinking and self-sublimation.
30.in the writer's opinion, combining language learning with language acquisition with both large quantities of input and reinforcement is the right way for chinese students to Leam english.
31.i wish that my first marriage hadn't been the place where i learned how to make a relationship work, but at least i did Leam.
32.the more we Leam about these diverse species, the more we discover ways that they can improve and maintain our lives.
33.i can Leam lots of things from a documentary(but and then or)my favorite is the action movie.
34.the ability of artificial neural networks to Leam essential process of non linearities from plant data may provide a means by which to assist fermentation process in being controlled.
35.a: japanese is easy to Leam.
36.the author analyzes the structure, conduct and performance of the coal enterprises with the theory of industrial organization to Leam the influence of the industrial structure and seek for the key factors that have impact on the coal enterprises competition ability.
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