Fret Sentence Examples | Use Fret in a sentence
1.she begins to Fret about her appearance rather than focus on her many outstanding qualities as an intelligent human being.
2.call me what instrument you will, though you can Fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.
3.do not Fret about your veils.
4.don't Fret. i'd already spotted her last night when i got in.
5.today they Fret about excessive inflows and strengthening currencies.
6.it's nice of you to Fret about these things, but it's really none of your business.
7.i don't fuss and Fret about my children.
8.nativists Fret about america's inability to secure its own borders.
9.these words referred to a dog when i wrote them, but re-reading them now i began to Fret.
10.as she spoke we could see that she was in a Fret.
11.while many small companies Fret about getting too few resumes, many also fear getting far too many.
12.he should also Fret about their future in the right hands.
13.if it's out of your control, why Fret about it? concentrating on things you can control is how you make good things happen.
14.parents in bangkok Fret that schools around the protest site will not be able to reopen after a hot-season break.
15.you had better not Fret about your mistakes.
16.if you don't have time to consult a psychiatrist each week, don't Fret.
17.should you Fret more about inflation or deflation?
18.then, it was easier to go into her room and get her a fresh pair of gloves myself, than to sit and watch her Fret.
19.don't Fret, mary. this is all some crazy mistake.
20.don't Fret though -- even if i seem to go awol, i'm still here keeping tabs on everything.
21.don't Fret, i'm sure they'll be back soon.
22.i Fret about nothing on earth except papa's illness.
23.well, well, there's no need to Fret about that.
24.i do Fret myself, eric. i'm frightened for you.
25.don't Fret because now you can become a vegetarian and at the same time enjoy your meaty meals.
26.abdalla, seeing her very uneasy, said, "do not Fret and tease yourself, but go into the yard, and take some oil out of one of the jars. "
27.convince yourself, nothing good will come out if you Fret and do nothing about it.
28.why should you Fret over such trifles?
29.but congressional staffers Fret that the project will eventually cost billions more
30.people Fret about terrorists, sharks, ebola and plane crashes because of the availability heuristic.
31.yields for belgian debt have jumped, as investors Fret about its load of debt and lack of leadership.
32.don't take on, and Fret about it too much! it can't be helped.
33.don't Fret away your life.
34.however, there is no need to Fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm.
35.i would not Fret if he and i could lie down tonight to sleep our last sleep.
36.you have now done your duty by her, and must Fret no longer.
37.but in a new paper, economists at the mckinsey global institute suggest that the u. s. might not have all that much to Fret about.
38.but do not Fret, there are things that you can do to help you make the best out of your situation.
39.don't be dismal or Fret, but do your duty and you'll get your reward.
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