Fretting Sentence Examples | Use Fretting in a sentence

1.the financial markets have been Fretting about the next stages in the greek government's debt drama.

2.instead of Fretting about these things, have your basement tested for radon. sense Fretting about taking down the 5-foot christmas tree buried in a snowdrift on her deck in brookfield, conn.

4.the point contact hoisting rope was taken as an studied example and a model for the Fretting wear of steel wires was developed.

5.what are you Fretting about?

6.we spend a great deal of time Fretting about the future or the past.

7.the method of measurement and test device for Fretting damage are described in this paper.

8.the analysis and research on Fretting agglomeration to the electrical contact reliability

9.soon, investors will be Fretting about florida and ohio.

10.we will be Fretting over that problem for years to come.

11.this paper analyzes the fracture of flsh-plate and presents that the mechanism of the fracture is Fretting fatigue.

12.there was no other sound save the sound of a wave Fretting the smooth pebbles below.

13.once we stop Fretting over making everyone happy, eating an exact way or fitting in exercise all the time life seems to slip into place.

14.somewhere his wife was waiting, half mad with grief, his mother-in-law next to her Fretting.

15.developers at the company have been Fretting over the fact that some people still think twitter is "too hard" to use.

16.the effects of laser transformation hardening ( lth) on the Fretting wear of titanium alloy are investigated.

17.Fretting wear and Fretting fatigue of steel wires in steel ropes have been identified as a major cause of reducing the life of the rope. is it time to stop Fretting about inflation?

19.but in these fretful times, no one seems to be Fretting much about the country's heavy reliance on foreign funding.

20.the Fretting fatigue behavior of tc11 alloy dovetail joints under low cycle load and the interaction of high-cycle load and low-cycle load were investigated.

21.with the euro in peril and the us on the brink of bankruptcy, the west seems to have enough to worry about without Fretting about cricket.

22.effects of Fretting damage on fatigue life of axle

23.finite element analysis on Fretting fatigue contacting stresses's no use Fretting over missing the train, we can always catch the next one.

25.the government is striving to prevent this but the Fretting may be overdone.

26.research on rotational Fretting wear of two fe-c alloy is a significantly important for studies of composite Fretting to palliate complex Fretting damages in actual engineering applications.

28.the Fretting life of conductor increases with the decrease of bending amplitude and dead load. are Fretting yourself needlessly.

30.he's Fretting over his examination results.

31.lubrication points subject to risk of Fretting corrosion-oscillatory movements and vibration.

32.i stopped and picked it up, and realized that i had been worrying and Fretting in my mind about things i cannot change.

33.i'm Fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy, passivity, indifference.

34.oxidation behaviors of steel-to-steel contact under torsional Fretting wear

35.i was working all hours and constantly Fretting about everyone else's problems

36.make it work rockets coach rick adelman said he began Fretting about the health of the team over the summer.

37.the Fretting wear properties of the composite coating was investigated and compared with that of steel substrate.

38.mary got your sunday clothes ready, and everybody's been Fretting about you.

39.a year ago many economists were Fretting about unemployment and deflation.

40.Fretting fatigue usually occurs in lap joints of aircraft structure.