Administered Sentence Examples | Use Administered in a sentence
1.but the interventions are Administered carefully.
2.this group will examine Administered dosages and come up with recommended radiopharmaceutical dosages over the next year.
3.edward had never heard from his wife a threat so calmly Administered, and it somewhat impressed him.
4.this questionnaire is Administered to the fatigue-limit testing system by using the theory of tuning fork.
5.as you know, it's supposed to be Administered in a hospital.
6.previous studies showed improvement among the children who were Administered nexium.
7.Administered and maintained by the business unit.
8.every proton pump inhibitor so far developed is Administered in a prodrug form.
9.a my brother Administered my affairs while i was away from home.
10.if you have Administered a specific controller previously, you can select the name from the list.
11.is this info Administered by yourself?
12.almost the last glimpse the public had of him was in january this year, when he Administered the oath of office to george bush.
13.to be Administered by an independent and impartial administrative or judicial authority.
14.sociolinguistics expert william eggington presented the court with results of three different tests he Administered to ms cabrera.
15.the drug should not be Administered to patients with ( known hypersensitivity to penicillin).
16.in1872, yellowstone national park in the world Administered by a national government, was established.
17.methods rats were Administered with morphine by intraperitoneal injection with increasing doses to establish addiction models.
18.the rules of origin are Administered in a consistent, uniform, impartial and reasonable manner;
19.father stephen lea Administered the last rites to the dead men.
20.all non-confidential projects Administered by the ministry will be handled online by a searchable, open-access database.
21.treatment group was Administered the control diet, adequate exercise, and metformin in combined with silibinin treatment;
22.both kingdoms are under the authority of christ, but are Administered in diverse ways.
23.immunization is limited by techniques and tolerances, hence should be Administered by a veterinarian.
24.the money will be Administered by the united nations and non-governmental organizations.
25.adjuvant medical therapy with albendazole was Administered for30 days after surgery.
26.we already know that every jms Administered object must be registered in a directory accessible via jndi.
27.she was told she had to undergo a medical test that included an hiv test that was Administered by an east european nurse.
28.her husband, he told her, had been killed by a blow on the back of the head Administered with a heavy blunt instrument.
29.once, when my mother Administered powdered alum to my sore throat, i concluded that my family must have had enough of me.
30.calcitonin, when Administered intravenously, turns out to be yet another flush promoting agent.
31.it is often Administered with aspirin, codeine, or phenacetin as an analgesic preparation.
32.prothrombin time and international normalized ratio should be carefully monitored in patients concurrently Administered istodax and coumadin derivatives.
33.he Administered very well before he left.
34.then we Administered a specific subpopulation of vpcs and, a week after the treatment, we checked what was the overall effect on the ulcers.
35.i believe i Administered and evaluated the test correctly.
36.a sedative had been Administered to the patient.
37.you can then customize how each class can be Administered by adding class attributes to this subclass.
38.intravenous antibiotics including penicillin, gentamicin and metronidazole were urgently Administered together with crystalloid rehydration.
39.there would be no possibility of any vulnerabilities affecting the referring page (which may be Administered by someone else).
40.in these studies, the mice were Administered a single high dose of the carcinogenic chemical.
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