Evisceration Sentence Examples | Use Evisceration in a sentence

1.methods 38 cases ( 38 eyes) received secondary ha implantation through the small notch in inferior fornical conjunctiva after 2 years to 23 years of enucleation or Evisceration.

2.a. japonicus is able to regenerate its internal body organs after Evisceration.

3.when you finally eliminate all enemy flyers, drop your vikings into assault mode and complete the Evisceration of the zerg base.

4.objective to study the effects of orbital hydroxyapatite ( ha) implantation after Evisceration.

5.the Evisceration of their wealth may have led people to look for work rather than retire or stay at home with the children.

6.conclusion causes of Evisceration of eyeball after ocular trauma were sever eyeball rupture, endophthalmitis and complications of ocular trauma.

7.objective to study nursing of Evisceration of orbit malignant tumor.

8.results 50 of 55 patients had enucleation, 5 of 55 patients had Evisceration.

9.methods thirty-seven cases after enucleation or Evisceration underwent secondary intraorbital implantation of hydroxyapatite artificial eye mount, then the repair effects were observed.

10.characteristics of patients with vaginal rupture and Evisceration

11.enucleation or Evisceration after endophthalmitis: risk factor analysis

12.multi-operative method for socket reconstruction after Evisceration with hydroxyapatite orbital implants

13.the domestic application prospects of automatic Evisceration technology and equipment of slaughtered poultry

14.the carcass is then transferred to the overhead rail where final cleaning takes place, followed by Evisceration.

15.improved lateral vaginal fragment colporrhagia in clinical abdominouterectomy transvaginal Evisceration after hysterectomy: is vaginal cuff closure associated with a reduced risk?

16.conclusion Evisceration and primary ha implantation can be operated in fungal endophthalmitis.

17.methods: hydroxyapatite wrapped in autologous sclera was used as secondary orbital implant in 37 patients ( 37 eyes) after Evisceration of the eye.

18.now, with mr. sanford in his final year in office, mrs. sanford is publishing her elegant Evisceration of a memoir, "staying true. "

19.a study of the indications and changing trends of enucleation and Evisceration in west malaysia

20.the clean operations include Evisceration, carcass splitting and carcass dressing.

21.disembowelment or Evisceration is the removing of some or all of the vital organs, usually from the abdomen.

22.Evisceration of the small intestine from the anus due to a rectal rupture was diagnosed in two patients, males aged 93 and 25 years.

23.aim: to study the clinical effect of the hydroxyapatite orbital implant in surgery after enucleation and Evisceration performed in 18 children with age of 3-12 years.

24.after chilling the birds in iced water, Evisceration takes place.

25.japonicus by applying the method of histology. the result indicated that the a. japonicus started to regenerate immediately after the Evisceration, and the respiratory tree trunk and the branched structure were observed on the 2nd day.

26.conclusions these results implicated that the time of the patients applying to treatment, proper image examination, surgical approach and the technique of the operator are closely related to the surgical results of orbit tumor. objective to study nursing of Evisceration of orbit malignant tumor.

27.conclusions in situ perfusion of donor organs and total abdomi-nal Evisceration can significantly shorten the time for warm ischemia to improve the quality of donor organs.

28.objective to study the clinical effect of the hydroxyapatite orbital implant in second surgery after enucleation and Evisceration has been performed and socket subside.

29.combined Evisceration for the treatment of advanced gastric carcinoma