Superior Sentence Examples | Use Superior in a sentence cannot be questioned that the new method is Superior to the old one. the appraising meeting, experts stated this method was Superior to others.

3.lulu was said to be of very Superior intelligence. of the first things your Superior may do is to introduce you to your coworker who will be important for you.

5.if he were haughty or temperamental, he would not devote himself fully to the school nor obey absolutely the commands of his Superior.

6.i've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is Superior to the other.

7.other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their Superiors

8.the demonstrators fled when they saw the authorities 'Superior numbers

9.Superior courts may review decisions of lower courts.

10.locally passed laws are of Superior authority to those laws passed in moscow.

11.the russian soldiers sampled the officers 'rations and wolfed the Superior food with delight.

12.mother always filled things up -- cups, water jugs, vases, boxes, arms -- as if colour and weight equalled a Superior quality of life.

13.just because they make more money than we do, they think they're so Superior.

14.he resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his immediate Superior on a number of important matters.

15.through Superior production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.

16.a few years ago it was virtually impossible to find Superior quality coffee in local shops

17.reddit's edberg said the company is sticking with amazon for now, but "we always have our eyes open for something that's Superior. "

18.among his immediate rivals was arnold matters, probably his Superior in comic roles. formula exists for the writing of a Superior sentence, but this much is known: the best sentence has no weak part.

20.we do not ascribe a Superior wisdom to government or the state.

21.anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his Superior in willpower

22.she only had a general idea that people were right when they treated her as if she were rather Superior.

23.his immediate Superior has singled him out for a special mention

24.our Superior technology is our ace in the hole.

25.our side has the Superior position.

26.people make cutting remarks to help themselves feel Superior or powerful.

27.i felt intellectually Superior despite — shock horror — my lack of qualifications.

28.the colonel lifted the phone and dialed his Superior

29.uther the lightbringer: watch your tone with me, boy. you may be the prince, but i'm still your Superior as a paladin! . virtue of this Superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas.

31.the company president, and my immediate Superior, was the dynamic harry stokes.

32.his men were far Superior numerically.

33.malone got to his feet and followed his Superior out of the suite

34.i want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are Superior.

35.our hotel room was one of the Superior rooms accommodating a family of four.

36.the us also had Superior firepower

37.long-term stock market investments have produced Superior returns compared with cash deposits. can stand there and feel Superior as you point and laugh at them.

39.we have a relationship infinitely Superior to those of many of our friends

40.his immediate Superior, general geichenko, had singled him out for special mention.