Sulk Sentence Examples | Use Sulk in a sentence

1.are their dreams not worth it? if not, why do we Sulk about them later?

2.acknowledge your positive qualities, and when you come across a quality in yourself that you arent proud of, dont Sulk in your sorrows, proactively work on correcting it. seem to think that your only options are to flounce off or Sulk.

4.they never Sulk , and it rarely takes more than two or three weeks to break their initial resistance. not sit in the corner and Sulk. it draws attention in a negative way. draw attention to yourself, but on your own terms.

6.doc . daneeka was a very neat, clean man whose idea of a good time was to Sulk.

7.i badly want my children to join me there, even if they have to Sulk up off the floor to discover the stillness.

8.if she doesn't get what she wants she goes into a Sulk just like a child.

9.don't Sulk, mope or brood.

10.just being contradicted can put him into a towering rage, but i've never known him to Sulk or bear grudges.

11.don't let him Sulk in a corner.

12.does this guy still Sulk in the middle of a meeting?

13.if you have any complaint, don't just Sulk; speak up.

14.the digital projector decided to Sulk that warm evening last april at the women's club.

15.on a couple of occasions in his previous relationship mike had not been able to sustain an erection and his previous girlfriend would Sulk.

16.he went into a Sulk and refused to cooperate.

17.he is liable to sudden changes of mood and would Sulk and cry for no apparent reason.

18.she said no, which sent him into a terrible Sulk.

19.when regina mayer's parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse, the resourceful 15-year-old did not sit in her room and Sulk.

20.the helmet should not block, do not Sulk, vision clear, no shelter, the stationary state is not less than 105 degrees viewing angle.

21.the day is a complete write-off and i head off to bed to Sulk.

22.speaking of which, you are not allowed to Sulk tonight.

23.richard's having a bit of a Sulk upstairs.

24.when you do have an error, go ahead and Sulk a while, and then focus on improving whatever techniques led you to your mistake.

25.if you want to Sulk, be my guest.

26.he turned his back and Sulked.

27.he went off to Sulk in his room.

28.the plan was to Sulk in his suite for the rest of the night, away from the curious eyes of people who he could care less about.

29.would he Sulk over not having been traded?'s just that the facts about death cause you to stay in your room and Sulk.

31.she will go into a Sulk and cut you for days. not sit in the corner and Sulk.

33.they used to fight and then cry and then Sulk if they could not get their own way.