Startlingly Sentence Examples | Use Startlingly in a sentence

1.meanwhile the usually overcast and cool skies over britain have been Startlingly clear, with temperates set to break heat records this week.

2.gradually, though, i realized that our daily reports could feel Startlingly irrelevant.

3.stripped of a physical body, the mind stands naked, revealed Startlingly for what it has always been: the architect of our reality. orwell wrote of the ministry of truth (in his novel, "1984" ) that it was " Startlingly different from any other object in sight" .

5.if we pass over a period of seventy years we find a Startlingly new development.

6.i found it Startlingly easy to get hold of steroids online.

7.first, their top executives are not, in my experience, Startlingly better informed than most interested people.

8.we considered Startlingly that all the things before our eyes were out of nemesis, which were merely man's life.

9.chinese rhetoric on this issue remains Startlingly blunt. of the most Startlingly positive phenomena for many generations continues to unfold around the world.

11.all the paintings are Startlingly dramatic as a result of their depth of field and colour.

12.these images, like most in the exhibition, are Startlingly small.

13.when combined with traditional object-oriented features, they can produce Startlingly concise results.

14.even more Startlingly, the results were the same whatever the subjects 'personal preferences were. chanel, karl lagerfeld's normally Startlingly light hand got tangled up in the idea of profile, and so dresses came bristling with feathers, fringes and drapery from the underarm to the knee.

16.she laughed a very small silvery laugh, Startlingly like a child's laughter.

17.this dream is Startlingly beautiful, and the same unreal. began to appear as if this were not so Startlingly necessary to maintain her present state.

19.but his own folder was Startlingly close to empty. inside there was only a single printed sheet. he read it twice.

20.but that Startlingly high rate was the result of a huge, one-off transfer of government housing to private ownership in the late 1990s.

21.but only today is it Startlingly clear how perceptively.

22.whitney also presents a Startlingly bleak picture of state debt.

23.its smell, 20 years on, is Startlingly familiar; but it feels modern, too, its rich notes daring and complex and excessive. a womanist in the contemporary america, alice walker reveals the Startlingly tragic situations of the black women in her famous novel, the color purple. many copies are of Startlingly new designs, modern pieces that have yet to fully reach their target audience before similar versions start to appear in catalogues and on store shelves.

26."immortality" is a Startlingly consistent first solo exhibition of an artist born in macau, educated in usa and worked in uk.

27.most Startlingly, us retail sales fell for the third month in a row last month. stations probably sprout structures like this, but as a seat it is Startlingly comfortable.

29.his every perception will come to him with a new freshness and, for a time, seem Startlingly original.

30.but, hassanali found it has Startlingly different results on juvenile wingless locusts, known as hoppers.

31.with this, we reach a result which contrasts Startlingly with the still fashionable method of comte and mill.

32.a russian cinema veteran who won the golden lion for urga in 1992, mikhalkov has chosen, rather Startlingly, to remake 12 angry men.

33.this Startlingly modern hotel in the city of ancient muslim royalty boasts a pool intended to give a sense of swimming into a 3-d movie.

34.big newspapers, in particular, have proven Startlingly inept at delivering timely, relevant news to the people they serve.