Reveling Sentence Examples | Use Reveling in a sentence

1.the encompassing age of aquarius has you Reveling in everything from the star wars to the madcap gaiety of that 70's show.

2.their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. they are blots and blemishes, Reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. rogoff took an econometrics course, Reveling in its precision and rigor, and went on to focus on comparative economic systems. the battle enters its most critical phase, he flies into a rage, Reveling an orgy of destruction.

5.i, as if turned into a white dancing butterfly, am Reveling in the ocean of green!

6.Reveling in her newfound power, vosa took command of the cult, leading it from a decrepit citadel on kohlma, a burial moon orbiting bogden.

7.after mr. rove walked away, the gaggle of men excitedly recounted the conversation, Reveling in their access.

8.but we have no emotional point of frustration, Reveling in the mountains playing lane. no one again depends on the number of fish with less! i am walking on a simple and secluded garden path, i gather a few, relishing and Reveling in them, unconsciously.

10.the xinjiang beautiful scenery let me who come from "landscape enjoys" were also Reveling greatly.