pollination Sentence Examples | Use pollination in a sentence
1.planting trees in groups rather than long thin lines helps pollination.
2.through analysis of open pollination progeny test in clonal seed orchard of pinus koraiensis, some ( parameters) have been obtained, such as hereditability and genetic gain etc.
3.effects of pollination tree and pollen vitality on fruiting rate and seed-setting rate of castanea mollissima
4.a study on the technique of apple pollination by introducing wild wall bee
5.but it says there were enough honey bees to provide all the agricultural pollination needed last year.
6.several plant growth regulators on increasing pollination rates of camellia oleifera
7.studies conducted locally and abroad show that honeybee pollination increases crop yield by up to40 percent.
8.such differences promote pollination between groups.
9.preliminary analysis of two candidate genes in pollination and fertilization were conducted.
10.spend just opened, a little fragrance, less than a few days, entice some renuzit flies and beetles for it pollination.
11.most flowering plants need pollination to reproduce.
12.assessment of germplasm resources and the study on pollination biology of paeonia lactiflora
13.early archegonial development is already evident two weeks after pollination.
14.relationship between protective enzymes, endogenous hormones in pistil and pollination compatibility of lilium
15.there has been a good deal of cross pollination between the java language and python camps over the years.
16.therefore, the spiral arrangement is not likely to be result of a direct adaptation to wind pollination.
17.studies on the breeding system and pollination biology of china species& pugionium cornutum
18.the difference should be discernible in the time of flowering and pollination in orchards.
19.camellia japonica pollen vigor and determination of artificial pollination research
20.after a flower has been open for a time the anthers and stigmas may come together allowing selfing if there has been no cross-pollination.
21.but to start the next wave of opportunities, we need to revive the kind of wanton cross-pollination that got us this far.
22.the expression of slg and srk genes from the treated materials was not distinctly different from that of control 8 hours after pollination.
23.he also describedb the process of pollination and showed that the stamens were the male organs and that the stigma and style were the female organs of a plant.
24.effects of different stage pollens on pollination and seed quality of flue-cured tobacco
25.study on biological characteristics and flowering pollination technology of dendrobium candidum
26.the experiments of plum pollen variation of vitality during hoarding and effects on field pollination have been performed.
27.in the case of the common fig the flowers are all female and need no pollination.
28.hydrophily pollination in which water carries the pollen from anther to stigma.
29.in 21 to 24 hours after pollination, most of the female nuclei fuse with the male nuclei.
30.study on pollination biology among some apricot cultivars and new apricot lines selection; autogamy self-fertilization in plants.
31.taken together, these results provided further clues to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of pollination and fertilization in rice.
32.the receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.
33.pollination for watermelon through bee is the key measure to increase yield and quality.
34.control of pollination and crossing.
35.this form of bioengineering is an accelerated version of the cross pollination that farmers have practiced for centuries.
36.the study on pseudogamy property of wheat parthenogenesis is conducted by means of delaying pollination and observing embryo sac with microscope.
37.two or more bushes should be planted together for cross-pollination unless the cultivar is known to be self - compatible.
38.one of the chief contributions of insects is their role in the pollination of cultivated plants.
39.domesticated bees mainly produce honey; any contribution they make to crop pollination is usually a secondary benefit.
40.unlike honeybee apis mellifera, bumblebee bombus lucorum have different pollination behavior on greenhouse tomato.
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