Paternalism Sentence Examples | Use Paternalism in a sentence

1.the decision to restrict reproductive rights marks a return to the days of Paternalism, when the state told women how to run their lives.

2.he ruled his companies with a considerable degree of Paternalism and offered his workers employment for life.

3.the choice from ethical to legal: evolution of the concept of western Paternalism

4.except some special condition, patient's autonomy should be prior to physician Paternalism, but doctor should not give up his responsibility. a bid to redefine conservatism, each looks back to traditional models that mix Paternalism with a preference for a smaller state.

6.chapter three discusses the father-son relationships in barn burning and sanctuary, which are alienated by the puritanism and Paternalism.

7.their male chauvinism is a brand of the Paternalism culture. the confucian tradition, Paternalism has been a pillar for the management of japanese enterprises.

9.singapore embodies a peculiar mix of the free market, state-led industrialisation and Paternalism.

10.the government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not state Paternalism.

11.medical Paternalism comes from the hippocratic tradition of ancient greece. economic transition process, state subsidies to the banks because of government's "Paternalism" induce the banks to take excessive risk and expand credit rationally.

13.previously there was a culture of deference or benevolent Paternalism, and higher education institutions were rarely challenged.

14.first, it is certainly better than hard Paternalism.

15.since then he has repeatedly decried Paternalism, called for more individual initiative and encouraged the public and official media to denounce bureaucratic bungling.

16.well, i would even question the existence of Paternalism and impersonal love and the love of a couple because you are saying that children are regarding the adults as having the authority.

17.defects of Paternalism in civil retrial procedure& on functions of china's civil retrial procedure insurance may be justified on grounds of adverse selection, decision-making costs, income distribution, or Paternalism.

19.his Paternalism he called cambodians his "children" to the end fatally inhibited the growth of modern institutions.

20.and consequently about the doctor-patient relationship, resource allocation, communication, autonomy, inform consent and Paternalism.

21.instinctive deference to authority, Paternalism and reluctance to cause others to lose face inhibit overt challenge and criticism.

22.i think i would say yes, but there is a limit to the extend to which we can take that Paternalism. what can we do with this how would you resolve the question about Paternalism and love?

24.whether it's literally Paternalism in relation to children, which we don't talk about very much in that place, or in love between two adults, right?

25.the Paternalism in the western countries has experienced an evolution from the ethical to the legal.

26.soft Paternalism has much in its favour.

27.what they propose is "soft Paternalism".

28.people rarely make the the most internally consistent argument for government action: Paternalism. Paternalism represents the compulsory supervision of the government.

30."increasing awareness" about healthy lifestyles is not simply gentle Paternalism; in the absence of real support, it's immoral. Paternalism is the coerce based on affection.

32.governmental Paternalism when directed to children is less problematic than Paternalism toward adults.

33.embody Paternalism ( 3) avoid "adverse selection" in the security market.

34.the author believes that Paternalism ideology occupies the main status in chinese traditional medicine.

35.our commitment and dedication to people should never be misconstrued as Paternalism. he is notorious for its patriarchal behaviour.

36.nor do we want the burdens of nanny-state Paternalism that now weigh down many economies in europe. a nation, we are often thought to be individualistic, anti-authoritarian and resistant to Paternalism.

38.milton hershey's Paternalism survives in the form of a boarding school for orphans that sends 80% of its graduates to university.