Ornithologist Sentence Examples | Use Ornithologist in a sentence

1.a profile of the artist and Ornithologist john james audobon, famous for painting and cataloguing the birds of north america.

2."i'll be right over," said the Ornithologist.

3.Ornithologist john gould told him the birds he had studied on the galapagos islands were perfectly adapted to the island environment.

4.one Ornithologist had devised a formula to compute the ratio of domestic to pure-strain wild turkey in an individual bird by comparing the angle of flight at takeoff and the rate of acceleration.

5.ernst mayr, a german Ornithologist, boldly declared that species were not convenient labels but real entities, like mountains or people.

6.i felt like an Ornithologist looking for a rare species.

7.he spoke five languages and was an expert Ornithologist.

8.olivia calls herself a bird-lover who hopes to one day become an Ornithologist.

9.that britain, a nation of animal lovers, does not have a bird to call its own, has spurned Ornithologist david lindo to action with a campaign to find our national bird.

10.alas, they were late; but hishey is a renowned Ornithologist with an eye that misses nothing.

11.the bahraini Ornithologist blog bahrain obs posts pictures and gives an update on bird migration.