Moe Sentence Examples | Use Moe in a sentence

1.the Moe of wood-based panels is different from pure elastomer's. it depends on strain, time as well as moisture of wood-based panels.

2.these worries are triggered by a ministry of education ( Moe) announcement on november 21.

3.Moe key laboratory of petroleum engineering, china university of petroleum ยท beijing; 2.

4.Moe pressman's wallet was stolen when he was playing pinochle last night.

5.he leaned back. Moe greene was a dead man, he thought.

6.Moe key lab for enhanced heat transfer energy conservation and beijing key lab for heat transfer energy utilization, beijing university of technology; 2.

7.Moe and more students go in for basketball in our college.

8.research on digital camera sale model for Moe company

9.then, the system evaluation model and analysis models for Moe indexes sensitivity and relation are presented.

10.the college is a non-profit, private educational institution, operating autonomously with financial support from singapore's ministry of education ( Moe). invisible fence keeps Moe from wandering too far, although he did get out once and trample the flowers when the fence became unplugged.

12.the major seems to be in danger of being phased out according to Moe's new policy.

13.arid was almost brushed aside when Moe greene carne striding into the room followed by his two bodyguards. you know who i am? i'm Moe greene.

15.we hope that we can throw out a brick to attract a jade, so that we can take an active part in quality control of higher education which includes constructing Moe content courses.

16.he'd clunk our heads together like Moe.

17.there is limited precedent for prefab high rises. i think it is a modest innovation, said kiel Moe, a professor of architectural technology at harvard university.

18.research on an improved time-domain orthogonal Moe blind interference-suppressing algorithm

19.time and effort expended are usually Moe appreciated than money spent.

20.'this is not just a fancy lawn ornament, ' says Moe's creator, osman khan, a visiting assistant professor of art at carnegie mellon.

21.i look forward to see your work published some day. enjoy the big Moe.

22.Moe greene: you think i'm skimming off the top ? mike . 2004, the ministry of education ( Moe) issued a notice encouraging schools to forbid students from renting apartments outside their campuses.

24.some internet users signed their names in support of the Moe, but things did not end there.

25.Moe key laboratory for enhanced oil and gas recovery, daqing petroleum institute; 2.

26.jerry: yeah, that's good. he'd clunk our heads together like Moe.

27.nir analysis technique can realize the rapid prediction of the Moe of small clear wood samples of eucalyptus pellita.

28.i am also glad to share with you that this year the Moe will initiate the development of a policy on girls education. the present study, the rapid prediction of wood modulus of elasticity ( Moe) of eucalyptus pellita by near infrared ( nir) spectroscopy is described.

30.air must Moe in and out of each lung.

31.the ship was sunk at once stroke and was seen no Moe.

32.add the hard-coded string "Moe" to the names vector.

33.moreoer, it may underestimate sleep latency because many patients will not Moe as they try to fall asleep.

34.Moe of bamboo-wood composite fiberboard with different hybrid ratios the early20th century eunice Moe brock's parents came to the eastern chinese province of shandong where they gave birth to her.

36.he hooked up with phipps conservatory and botanical gardens, which has a big yard and was delighted to have Moe, although he actually doesn't cut much grass. this paper, we discussed the construction and practice of "digital signal processing" course which is one of the first batch of Moe content courses in uestc.

38.Moe toward a single supplier of any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.

39.are you a recipient of the Moe financial assistance scheme?

40.uhh. . . let's see -wait a minute, that was you? -let's just give him a call. ring-a-ding-ding! -yeah, Moe's tavern. what?