Manliness Sentence Examples | Use Manliness in a sentence turns out that showcasing Manliness is the better strategy, according to a study in the latest issue of psychology of women quarterly.

2.i wonder the general modesty, Manliness, sincerity of his nature, do not plead with her in his behalf.

3.they regard admitting loneliness as weakness, as ridiculous and as an expression of a lack of Manliness . a sturdy oak: Manliness requires rationality, toughness, and self-reliance. a man must remain calm in any situation, show no emotion, and admit no weakness;

5.i think some men fear their feminine side, as if being nurturing would take away from their Manliness somehow.

6.his confidence, his Manliness and bravery, turn his wit into wisdom.

7.the values which he associates with Manliness are stoicism, strength of character, assertiveness and decisiveness, the confidence to take risks and the ability to be a gentleman whenever necessary. some men may feel the need to prove their Manliness on the sly.

9.he is known for his loyalty and Manliness, but he's shy when it gets to love.

10.the open admiration of young men in ancient greece was part of a culture of Manliness where women played a subservient role.

11.i'll love you with my heart and soul; and guard you with my Manliness. was a quiet kind of Manliness that i rarely saw at that age. is an expression of Manliness and as such a sign, which distinguishes men from women.

14.the need to prove his Manliness. can prove your Manliness and general worth by dusting off the toolbox and doing a little home repair.

16.the gay community was full of men like me: boys still desperately seeking to crack the code of real Manliness.

17.but i realized to have Manliness in working is one thing and having it outside of work is another story completely.

18.we're losing the contribution manly men can make, and we're confusing women and men, who don't quite know what to do about Manliness.

19.Manliness for most dudes is all they have.

20.his Manliness causes estella's heart to pound as loudly as his knocking on the door.

21.i had n't the Manliness to face that.

22.he also had the Manliness to forgive his opponents.

23.the men of northeast are tall and full of Manliness, but they don't know how to listen to the voice of women.

24.i offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon. i offer you whatever insight my books may hold, whatever Manliness or humour in my life.