Lengthwise Sentence Examples | Use Lengthwise in a sentence

1.peel the onion and cut it in half Lengthwise.

2.i was able to separate, Lengthwise, three boards.

3.developing and research on cad software of established track Lengthwise section

4.then cut the remaining stick in two, Lengthwise.

5.with your package in front of you, lay ribbon Lengthwise along the middle of the box.

6.the preview page is displayed Lengthwise across the screen, and displays more fields.

7.for the japanese blade, since its Lengthwise curved portion tilled the soil first, the increase of tilling torque was less than the other two blades.

8.on a clean work surface, place one sheet of manicotti Lengthwise.

9.a banana split Lengthwise and topped with scoops of ice cream and sauces and nuts and whipped cream.

10.he suddenly thought: if the number of spindles are arranged Lengthwise, using a spinning wheel drive, not to be at once more spun yarn it?

11.halve bread Lengthwise and evenly coat cut sides with garlic spread.

12.because the wind blew Lengthwise along the atoll, the house had been sheltered by the miles of coconut trees.

13.to maintain smooth communication of both Lengthwise and transverse, ensure smooth implementation of every policy of the corporation.

14.the yarns running in the Lengthwise direction are called warp yarns and the yarns running crosswise are called weft.

15.symbol for a down lighter. resize Lengthwise or place end to end for different length tracks.

16.the pillow pouch is made by folding a strip of web Lengthwise.

17.yeah, but if he buried him Lengthwise.

18.and then you're gonna do that again. fold that in half Lengthwise, twice. again, lining up the edges and really folding down the seams.

19.fold the straps in half Lengthwise and press to set a crease.

20.the tuna was beautifully laid out on the plate, thin sliced, and the asparagus was split Lengthwise.

21.before implantation, the flexible double-disc patch is pulled into a catheter, collapsing and compressing it Lengthwise.

22.a gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated; used Lengthwise for vaulting.

23.cut the sausage in half Lengthwise and then thinly slice.

24.an algorithm for the uncoiler coil diameter calculation in the steel strip Lengthwise shearer production line

25.each of these segments contains several tracks that run parallel to one another Lengthwise on the tape.

26.woven fabrics are made of two sets of yarns - a Lengthwise set called the warp and a crosswise set called the filling or weft.

27.the spindle is always hollow, i. e. , it has a through hole extending Lengthwise.

28.flatten each leaf and fold Lengthwise so that the underside of the leaf is folded inside and main leaf vein forms the top ridge of the fold.

29.either of two Lengthwise fins attached along the outside of a ship's bilge; reduces rolling.

30.improved machines have been introduced which insure clean singeing across the entire width of the cloth with less tension in the Lengthwise direction.

31.the bark of cork differs from that of other trees in that most tree bark contains fibers running Lengthwise similar to wires in a cable.

32.she tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them Lengthwise.

33.uneven temperature already existed in plate Lengthwise direction before cooling, and the uneven temperature tendency was aggravated after it cooled.

34.the schooner rolled and plunged, fetching up on her anchors with a crash which for the first time they could hear. either of two Lengthwise fins attached along the outside of a ship's bilge; reduces rolling.

35.sandalwood, wood sawn or chipped Lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm.

36.cut the orange in half Lengthwise.

37.drag onto the page, then resize Lengthwise or place end to end for different length tracks.

38.rinse the cabbage, remove the stump, and cut in half Lengthwise.

39.once eggs are cool enough to handle, peel and cut in half Lengthwise. scoop yolks into a bowl; place whites on a serving platter.

40.it's good you're going Lengthwise.