Hillock Sentence Examples | Use Hillock in a sentence

1.arbor planting was suitable in the most parts of middle jilin, but more suitable to plant brush in the hill slope and Hillock.

2.climb to that Hillock, pass that bank, and by the time you reach the other side i shall have raised the birds.

3.the leaves might bestrew him and the soil gradually accumulate and form a little Hillock over his frame.

4.let the reader picture to himself, crowning a limestone Hillock, an oblong mass of masonry fifteen feet in height, thirty wide, forty long, with a gate, an external railing and a platform;

5.the found only one Hillock with a stream at its base, so that hook had no choice; here he must establish himself and wait for just before the dawn.

6.the paper divides the Hillock collapsing into four types and three stages in development.

7.before heard that did the long management wages to be able in 2000-3000, which management Hillock was concrete is not specially clear.

8.she neared the crest of a Hillock and was soon out of sight.

9.some problems deserving notice in reconstructed highway design and construction in plain and tiny Hillock area

10.they leveled the Hillock to flat ground and began to grow crops.

11.for, bays he, look yonder lies a dreadful monster on the side of that Hillock fast asleep.

12.feeling or manifesting veneration. emerge each respect work and love Hillock, pursue scholarly work strict and cautious teacher representative from it.

13.natural selection is like a robot that can only climb uphill, even if this leaves it stuck on top of a measly Hillock.

14.the company has well-trained. loves the Hillock professional staff troop.

15.to like Hillock to respect trade, is unselfish to present, do not compete position, not offside, work must go to position;

16.the jade flowery islet used to be an earthen Hillock in the lake and later the man-made rockeries piled up on it are the water-eroded rocks from the lake tai.

17.this shows continuous coalescence and redispersion. the accumulation and dispersion of the salt in the soil at the Hillock, slope and low land in central hopei

18.the special Hillock teacher is a country to alleviate the university student to get employed, supports a rural education enterprise's important action.

19.the sunday group meditation was held in the main hall on the Hillock in the center.

20.likes the Hillock being professional is one of citizen moral reconstruction basic standards, in each profession, jobholders's behavior standards affects in a big way to the society.

21.directly the assuring and prosaic light of the world's active hours had grown strong she crept from under her Hillock of leaves, and looked around boldly.

22.the current countryside teacher occupation tired phenomenon is quite common, these just took office young special Hillock teacher also many its kinds, regarding this we should pay attention highly.

23.his house is on a Hillock.

24.in his broad bed n uncle richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the Hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm.

25.it used to be a Hillock at the very beginning of the yuan dynasty and was then called the green hill. as the place was once heaped with coal, hence the name coal hill.

26.main associated tree species are listed for loblolly pine plantation in Hillock areas of southern anhui province.

27.the nissl bodies are distributed in perikaryon and neurodendrite, but not in axon Hillock and axon.

28.the intermediate perspective stratification plane, before the initiative position admittance, the Hillock, training and does three things at once in the Hillock raise;

29.not long afterwards, as he ascended a small Hillock, he saw at its foot a lion feeding on the calf.

30.jingzhou, the lower reaches of hanjiang river and the north Hillock area is the water shrank region;

31.the audiences good company takes the staff education for all-around development raise, must woo the Hillock to be professional, goes all out, likes helping mutually.

32.perhaps in the lee of a Hillock or boulder where, in the higher altitudes, dirty clumps of snow still battled the inevitable onslaught of spring.

33.the area of guchengzhai site is the ruins of zhu rong, and also the Hillock of xuanyuan where huangdi lived.

34.impact on the soil erosion by development of red soil and farm forestry on Hillock

35.the tower was on a grassy Hillock.

36.the fifth article first party the personnel who sends out before the second party carry on the essential Hillock to train.