Emulate Sentence Examples | Use Emulate in a sentence

1.you must download and install this package to Emulate the xo laptop.

2.Emulate those who have already achieved what you are aspiring to.

3.the more similar their characteristics with yours, the more natural it will be to Emulate them.

4.sons are traditionally expected to Emulate their fathers.

5.serial_cs can also Emulate serial ports over global positioning system ( gps) pcmcia and cf cards.

6.isn't this just another kludge to try and Emulate real desktop gui application capabilities?

7.china's need to Emulate america may seem counterintuitive at the moment, given the parlous state of the u.

8.Emulate others'strong points and overcome one's own weaknesses.

9.other countries will not have to Emulate china ideologically.

10.test automation does not effectively Emulate a human user.

11.to Emulate a class, you define a function.

12.it was a spirit, not a scene, that i was trying to Emulate.

13.no doubt his gesture of spending five days in the politburo hunting lodge with me was to establish a standard for us to Emulate.

14.then i wondered whether it might be possible for such a program to Emulate all of my social network activity.

15.fortunately, it's pretty easy to Emulate the work done by the jvm in running the main class of your application.

16.none of these incidents displayed the kind of job-related passion i'd like them to Emulate.

17.a performance test tool was designed to Emulate thousands of users to stress servers and other applications under test.

18.it is a huge challenge but it is one that we will rise to and Emulate.

19.we adopt theory analysis, Emulate affirmation and trial adjustment methods.

20.in the course of their growth, there should be some people for them to Emulate and identify with.

21.this emulator could Emulate a large scale network by using some Emulated nodes and some measurement nodes.

22.still, if mr obama is going to Emulate the economic record of any predecessors, mr clinton is not a bad one to pick.

23.mages often seek to Emulate the powerful relics lost to time and apocalypse.

24.fortunately, you can also use a desktop computer to Emulate mobile platforms.

25.it is also the fascinating story of a person of character and values that many would like to Emulate.

26.finally, the-m pc option specifies the machine to Emulate ( in this case, a standard pc).

27.you can even Emulate an operating system for a different architecture than the host.

28.in this demonstration, you use the loop-back device to Emulate disks as files within the host operating system.

29.the proverb tell us to Emulate the industry of the ant.

30.in other words, it is trying to Emulate the capital discipline of exxonmobil, the company mr buffett probably should have bought.

31.it simply requires that you envision interactions that Emulate the qualities of a sensitive and caring person.

32.in this way you can Emulate virtual null-modem cable connection.

33.ford looks, in other words, as though it is now trying to Emulate the cuts under way at general motors (gm).

34.after a couple of hours i found a mistake in dr. zuck's original proof which i was trying to Emulate.

35.you must work hard to Emulate your sister's success.

36.ultimately, to Emulate china is to compete with china.

37.instead of comparing, you should find someone you want to Emulate.

38.the difference is that they don't Emulate a user, they mimic one.

39.similarly, on platforms without native support for fixed-point or double-precision floating-point numbers, implementations must Emulate these types.

40.Emulate their speaking styles and mannerisms.