Empirical Sentence Examples | Use Empirical in a sentence

1.Empirical study using stochastic dominance test on investment funds performance;

2.much Empirical argumentation and evidence exists on this.

3.the comparison between the predictions and test results showed that the Empirical formula could be used to predict the moment resistance.

4.meanwhile, this paper uses economic theories and Empirical data to deduct an investment clock for corporate bonds.

5.the knowledge base of the project is formed on theories connected with working conditions and the quality of working life and Empirical researches.

6.economic analysis of the specific method is a cost-benefit analysis and normative analysis and Empirical analysis.

7.Empirical study of consumption, investment and economic growth

8.theoretic researches mainly focus on path selection of state-owned economy reform, while Empirical researches test the reform effect.

9.to date, theories are based more on anecdotal and qualitative evidence rather than Empirical data.

10.the Empirical analysis of ownership structure's effect on performance of trust companies in china

11.the essay gives Empirical research about impacting factors of debt service of china using limited autoregressive distributed lag model.

12.the psychoanalysts have had no trouble in finding Empirical confirmation for their theories.

13.i have not been able to think of any conventional Empirical tests that would distinguish between my views and the views of others.

14.Empirical methods in the field of the social sciences has developed from validation to falsification.

15.there have been a tremendous number of Empirical studies documenting anomalous regularities in the securities rate of returns.

16.monetarists assert that the Empirical study of monetary history shows that inflation has always been a monetary phenomenon.

17.Empirical research on the influence of risk management on the listed companies value and performance of our country

18.much of her work is speculative, based on psychoanalytic theory rather than Empirical data.

19.the results indicate that the calculated value of the Empirical formula consists with that of the experimental data.

20.i learn the formulas that have been proved by mathematical logic and Empirical evidence.

21.supporters say his Empirical approach makes mr weber a pragmatic policymaker, even if he is usually branded an inflation hawk.

22.theoretical analysis and Empirical study on characteristics of response to interest rate in china's security markets

23.the universality of scientific theory can be defined by Empirical consistency and Empirical unity of scientific theories.

24.the recommended Empirical formulas are provided for reference in practice.

25.the Empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications

26.Empirical evidence for the existence of population traps is not substantial.

27.in the soviet union research was as vigorous as in the united states and showed a similar mix of Empirical and basic theoretical approaches.

28.yet, theoretical and Empirical studies that explore such new developments in international marketing are relatively scarce.

29.this paper analyzes the relationships among knowledge-workers compensation justice, organizational commitment and turnover intention by Empirical method.

30.there is no Empirical evidence to support his thesis.

31.by reviewing the representative Empirical study on financial development and economic growth, the paper elaborates the evolution and development of Empirical study.

32.this isn't just any old issue in Empirical psychology.

33.the extent of this control, however, is an Empirical question.

34.to the subject characteristics, we use a comparative analysis, Empirical analysis and risk level analysis, and other research methods.

35.methods employed include income method, Empirical analysis and comparative study.

36.our results provide a conceptual framework that unifies diverse Empirical observations, and have implications for vaccination strategies.

37.classification and measurement of rmb's real exchange rate has always been a drawback of Empirical works in rmb exchange rate issue.

38.an Empirical study of economics showed that the urbanization is causing major increase in energy demand, china's situation is not the case.

39.it is on the other hand a growing field of Empirical social research.

40.just as in a mathematical demonstration the least Empirical condition would degrade and destroy its force and value.