Devolve Sentence Examples | Use Devolve in a sentence

1.central government is facing growing pressures to Devolve authority on the regions.

2.key to that change, he believes, is to Devolve power and responsibility to local markets, as well as underscoring the importance of brands and serving the customer.

3.when the president is ill, his duties Devolve upon the vice-president.

4.the festering issue that remains is: what powers will the anc agree to Devolve to the zulu leader?

5.we have made a conscious effort to Devolve responsibility

6.and they'll Devolve back to the animals they really are.

7.the day-to-day interactions that defined their working relationship would Devolve into weekly strolls around berkeley, then monthly phone calls, and finally an occasional email.

8.a large portion of this cost Devolves upon the patient.

9.we should set out to simplify and combine tax types, determine rational tax rates, establish a value evaluation system, Devolve taxation authority and perfect the mechanism of awards and punishment so as to achieve earliest taxation of property by law.

10.and i'm gonna stand out here in case you Devolve into a monkey.

11.can a group of people, perhaps even society at large, Devolve into a state of destructive cluelessness? ended with the intervention of a nato ceasefire monitoring force and the government promising to Devolve greater political power and cultural recognition to the albanian minority.

13.without constant attention to application software quality, today's state-of-the-art application can quickly Devolve into tomorrow's legacy monstrosity.

14.these arguments relate little, if at all, to the business problem at hand and tend to Devolve into pedantic arguments of semantics. must Devolve for all human conflict, a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation, the foundation of such a method, is love.

16.the allens, he believed, had lived near them too long, and he knew the young man on whom the fullerton estate must Devolve.

17.with a measure of good sense, a spat between the u. s. and china involving tires and chickens won't Devolve into a trade war as well.

18.when the president is unable to do his duties, they Devolve on the vice-president.

19.critics have warned that it could Devolve into another international body long on talk but unable to produce concrete results.

20.david cameron is sticking to his plans to Devolve more power to those directly delivering the services, cut out bureaucratic middle men and enhance competition.

21.always wax , yet always wane : i melt myself with my own flame . lighting darkness, with fate unblessed, i soon Devolve to shapeless mess.

22.when the ambassador is on leave, his duties Devolve upon the first secretary.

23.the house will Devolve to his daughter.

24.when the president is unable to do his duties, they Devolve on the vice - president.

25.upon the death of a shareholder of limited liability, his contribution to the capital shall Devolve upon his successors.

26.bp officials and legal analysts say the company is trying to be careful to avoid letting the findings Devolve into more mud-slinging.

27.article 31 appears to Devolve powers of approval to other bodies, "if state security is involved".

28.the education department should Devolve more responsibility to schools with a view to improving their management. mercury reviews the details of recent weeks, the secret of your success will be not allowing that review to Devolve into an inner litany of regret.

30.most people would rather Devolve this sort of responsibility to the authorities.

31.when i Devolve into eating refined foods, i feel as if i have a fog of brain.