Depleted Sentence Examples | Use Depleted in a sentence
1.Depleted stocks and overcapacity mean that the effort expended in catching each fish is higher than it need be.
2.the soil is Depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.
3.these components are Depleted.
4.Depleted and fragile, she crept back into the car, cold sweat on her forehead, holding her and up to her mouth against the smell.
5.we have just one planet-earth-and her resources are rapidly being Depleted.
6.these substances are slowly Depleted as the embryo commences to grow.
7.our supplies of food are rather Depleted.
8.the market crash of 2008 and the subsequent recession Depleted the savings of many baby boomers.
9.a plug back plug is often used when a lower producing zone becomes Depleted and a completion is to be made in an upper zone.
10.he said meat from animals that had been stressed before slaughter was Depleted in muscle glycogen, which resulted in a high ph level.
11.they fired in long bursts, which Depleted their ammunition
12.if the energy is not returned, one feels Depleted.
13.at the same time, banks have suffered losses that have Depleted their capital.
14.both Depleted and fertile mantle domains are likely to be mechanically juxtaposed in the asthenosphere in a state of 'plum pudding'.
15.do community members think their contributions have been Depleted?
16.rushing and running on his job all day long, mr lewis'energy is Depleted at the end of the day.
17.hydrogen might be Depleted with some of it turning into helium.
18.after 43 days, the money supplied by his employer was Depleted and he was to be released.
19.Depleted arsenals of diagnostics, medicines and vaccines as well as insufficient research and development on new products.
20.and once the body has Depleted its carbohydrate reserves, it has no choice but to turn its full attention to fat.
21.when nutrients have been Depleted, addition of adequate fertilizers can reverse the trend of soil organic matter depletion.
22.neither is environmental damage nor Depleted forests, although lumbering shows up in government statistics as value added.
23.natural resources have been Depleted in an unprecedented scale.
24.when a queue starts to fill, available entries with which to create new files can become Depleted in only a single day.
25.due to poor life-style and stress our energy gets Depleted, and work efficiency decreases.
26.supplies are low; our funds are Depleted.
27.several carmakers, including general motors and ford motor, have already stepped up production to replenish Depleted inventories.
28.rather than being Depleted, world oil reserves have continuously increased under the stimulus of increasing oil consumption.
29.once the anode is Depleted, the tank will start to corrode, eventually developing a leak.
30.having Depleted both our financial and reputational capital, we will have only painful remedies left at our disposal.
31.avoiding temptation, particularly when a lost job or Depleted bank account has shaken your sense of self, can be. but it's not impossible.
32.i will give you all this and more until i'm so exhausted and Depleted.
33.do i feel upbeat and energized when i'm around this person, or Depleted and drained?
34.because the traveler's funds were Depleted, he went home.
35.an analysis of the emphases of radiation protection and the protection methods are given and the suggestion of the study on Depleted uranium weapons are put forward.
36.the seamen's strike has seriously Depleted the country's stocks of food.
37.natural resources are not polluted or Depleted.
38.most native mammal species have been severely Depleted.
39.the national treasury is Depleted.
40.once he had found a mortal form to wear, he could begin to reclaim his vastly Depleted power.
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