Debased Sentence Examples | Use Debased in a sentence is being Debased by commercial sponsorship.

2.those books, both prose and verse, were consecrated to me by other associations; and i hate to have them Debased and profaned in his mouth!

3.yes, that's the d'urberville nose and chin-a little Debased.

4.a Debased or despised condition.

5.they have Debased and defiled the purity of the tongue.

6.the word "sale" has been Debased by shops who hold sales at all times of the year.

7.but a Debased dollar cannot be the explanation as the euro has fallen more against the dollar than the yen.

8.for orwell, writing in the 1940s, the language of politics was the most Debased.

9.the quality of life can only be Debased by such a system.

10.the two parties had Debased the country's politics into a punch-and-judy show of non-co-operation and vindictive retaliation. the current age of the fallen world, most have forgotten this core truth, and use the power of death for Debased reasons.

12.those two lines of yeats for me sum up the matter as it stands today when the very currency of belief seems Debased.

13.except when greek offered resistance, all natural languages had been forced to yield to a Debased latin;

14.and the miners were Debased by the poverty that eroded ambition and pride. social security system can be set up gradually in regions with good conditions so as to reduce the rate of falling back to poverty again. some, this is yet another case of Debased government figures.

16.historically, legal tender laws have been used by governments to force their citizens to accept Debased and devalued currency. just completely Debased and humiliated him.

18.politicians have Debased the meaning of the word 'freedom'

19.what followed was a spiralling proliferation of increasingly spurious credit instruments denominated in a Debased currency.

20.the stone's true sphere and spirit lost, it takes a new form stinking and Debased.

21.he worked on currency reform, coining the notion that the appearance of Debased currency drives good money into hiding.

22.our world view has become Debased we no longer have a sense of the sacred.

23.( of language) not having its purity or excellence Debased.

24.reagan Debased all these ideas and modern american conservatism is still suffering the consequences.

25.the currency might also suffer if investors feared it was being Debased.

26.taxes were regularized, tariffs lifted, private mints abolished and the Debased currency restored.'s completely wrong to say that football is boring. ( of language) not having its purity or excellence Debased.

28.his foul language is so Debased that women are advised not to stay long in his presence.

29.he said parliament and the process of democracy had been Debased.

30.there was no "music business" in the modern sense, for commercial pressures had not yet Debased and polarized public taste.

31.mine is a Debased condition, but is at least perfectly normal.

32.the young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be Debased by the compromises of politics

33.the gang of four really Debased our standards of social conduct.

34.eclecticism flourished in the19th century and survived, though much Debased, in gated communities and suburban tract housing.

35.and man hath bowed himself down, and man hath been Debased: therefore forgive them not.

36.fortune-telling is a very much Debased art surrounded by superstition