Curtail Sentence Examples | Use Curtail in a sentence

1.since it was near closing time, we had to Curtail our discussion.

2.he explains that his wife would not allow her marriage to Curtail her freedom or her need for adventure.

3.some experts suggest simply trying to Curtail the amount of time you spend online. the same token, reduced military budgets would force the government to Curtail its foreign involvement. shirt leaders told reporters they were ready to negotiate if the army ends its efforts to forcibly Curtail the spread of protests. also scrapped or lowered a range of export rebates to Curtail mounting exports and curb excessive production.

7.the same state controls employed to Curtail general political debate can also be used to control protests against them. of the reasons people Curtail their spending is because they lose their jobs.

9.millions of households will soon have little choice but to sharply Curtail their consumption.

10.however real-name registration will also Curtail people's ability to report, often anonymously, corruption and official abuses.

11.several authors have noted that flower and cone production should Curtail wood increment.

12.that would do more to Curtail moral hazard than a perfect mechanism that cannot be used.

13.i told louie that old age would Curtail her activities in time

14.but how many americans would vote for the politician that promises to Curtail or end such programs?

15.higher policy interest rates disrupt this process only if they undermine economic growth, Curtail the flow of investor funds to "alternatives" and widen risk spreads in debt markets.

16.given this, china will continue to take measures to Curtail the trend of deflation.

17.once i found a job, i had to Curtail my hours at the hospital, but i did not stop my volunteer work. Curtail the extra effect, and uses the measured sufficiently, slide multinomial fitting model is put forward.

19.ordering banks to stop lending is a remarkably effective way of reining in loan growth, even if it does little to Curtail investment.

20.any measures to Curtail credit default swap trading could have a bigger impact, however.

21.the government hopes to Curtail public spending.

22.some players said they will Curtail practice and workouts.

23.since i've lost my job i have to Curtail our spending.

24.but mr. panetta said he knew of no moves by beijing to Curtail relations in response to the sale.

25.he said that could have helped to Curtail investor fears that further problems were in the offing.

26.he added that the low price would drive some producers to Curtail output, allowing the price to rise.

27.this would Curtail demand and, ultimately, price pressures.

28.nato plans to Curtail the number of troops being sent to the region

29.his powers will be severely Curtailed. and political pressures have also made it difficult to Curtail benefits or reduce total public expenditure.

31.we had to Curtail the size of the party because the larger room was no longer available.

32.analysts warned that the increase in retail prices could now boost chinese demand, rather than Curtail it, at least in the short term.

33.they feared that china would drastically Curtail the rights and freedoms of hong kong residents. rato said the credit squeeze was a "serious crisis" that was not over yet and would Curtail growth worldwide.

35.even the very wealthy have to Curtail their expenditure when the value of their stock portfolios decline.

36.having an established and well-informed plan will Curtail some of the panic that comes with security intrusions.

37.yes they'd take a bath on them if they were to do it but, it would severely Curtail the u. s. governments ability to borrow.

38.results indicate that nsts and certified nutrition support clinicians can Curtail preventable spending from inappropriate pn use.

39.the most important, is to Curtail the offeror's power to withdraw his offer.