Condor Sentence Examples | Use Condor in a sentence teach it a lesson she then bought a Condor& and again when she took the cover off the cage the next morning the parrot had put paid to the intruder.
2.he's been focused on Condor.
3.designed in the shape of the sacred Condor bird it is without doubt the greatest legacy of the incan dynasty and busiest tourist attraction in south america.
4.the Condor is a strong and dynamic evolution, especially by removing what looked like a dog collar around its neck.
5.from all the lists associated with the Condor deal.
6.the andes mountains are home to andean Condor, one of the largest birds in the world.
7.that includes Condor feathers, which are found widely in the tourist markets of cusco.
8.they were the only chance i had to lose the Condor. you know the king of smuggling Condor?
10.with this knowledge, you should now have a good overview of the Condor project and be able to understand more advanced topics.
11.yes, the druid's air form is a Condor, and it hovers a certain height above the ground, not really flying.
12.but hatching a lot of Condor chicks is only the first step.
13.a very large vulture ( gymnogyps californianus), related to the Condor of south america, found in the southern california mountains and nearly extinct. the legend of the Condor heroes of the last generation of overlord, cheng jisihan can only occupy a small plot of land at your back.
15.let's go wish the best to the Condor.
16.i saw a flicker of gratitude in the Condor's eyes, but i didn't share it. of his most daring escapades, collins said, was called operation Condor.
18.police accused the man known as the Condor of shipping cocaine for the colombian comba drug gang to mexico, from where the powerful sinaloa cartel would distribute it to the united states.
19.there's been a note of three appointments on the Condor for that day.
20.the Condor, as a special tool for high throughput computing, also needs to be research deeply.
21.she is fomous for her lead role huang rong in legend of the Condor heroes.
22.well, there's plenty more grubs here, Condor.
23.usually restricted to the andean Condor.
24.the andes mountains supply many birds with homes like the flamingo, andean flicker, the Condor, and the hillstar hummingbird.
25.a very large bird - they call it a Condor - was circling in the sky., the nato jets that pound sirte are the equivalent of the hilter's Condor bombers, which leveled the beleaguered spanish basque town of guernica.
27.a complete comparison on skeleton of andean Condor and cinereous vulture was carried out.
28.a pilot version of the new electric-therapy programme has just been tried on two Condor parents who had had three chicks in the wild and appeared to have killed all three by feeding them junk.
29.application and development on Condor's checkpoint mechanism
30.they totally realistic version of the Condor heroes.
31.analyse of the application technology in grid computing: Condor and globus
32.he has started trying out a complex trade involving equity options dubbed the iron Condor.
33.ken sights, then fires, taking out the back right tire and fender of the Condor machine.
34.a lone Condor soared above the andean peaks.
35.the california Condor is one of the icons of bird conservation. . .
36.some of my favorites include spy game, three days of the Condor, the sting, and the great gatsby. example is the california Condor.
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