Codify Sentence Examples | Use Codify in a sentence
1.once you Codify your standard operating system configuration as an image, you can use it as a base image and layer custom software bundles on top.
2.we will Codify a new technique.
3.two lives left have released Codify, a platform that allows game development using the lua scripting language, which runs directly on an apple ipad.
4.ultimately all we have is those systematic laws that Codify the way things behave.
5.these patterns Codify a set of rules used to factor the functionality in a solution into a set of parts.
6.they also took the time to Codify some conventions that sprung up in the community.
7.over the years, patterns have emerged that Codify these recurring design strategies.
8.the japanese have a tendency to Codify experience. they are more self-conscious, he says.
9.the second step in this soa development process is to develop service tests that Codify the use cases in executable form.
10.the families have agreed to Codify rights for shareholders that have a stake of at least 20 per cent of the combined group.
11.as the united nations begins to Codify and enshrine the promise of equality for lgbt persons, the world becomes a safer, more respectful, and more humane place for all people.
12.second, Codify the service use cases into service tests.
13."this phrase might Codify green light for more meaningful state media listings," said an executive at a chinese tv group.
14.legislation to Codify network neutrality failed to pass, and carriers backed off their plans for a tiered internet.
15.a new agreement for the eurozone, negotiated in a calmer atmosphere, should not only Codify the practices established during the emergency but also lay the groundwork for a growth strategy.
16.this is not surprising; rup reflects current industry best practice and typically does not Codify approaches until they are well established within the field.
17.similarly, you need auditable, repeatable, reliable process automation that you can Codify and reuse across project after project.
18.if you could Codify or quantify everything that's ever been said or written, that would be langage.
19.it would be nice, however, to be able to explicitly Codify what an object needs to be able to do to be used within a given function, module, class, or framework.
20.but every society, whether they Codify it or not, differentiates between openly stated observations and secretly held opinions.
21.when you Codify a development method in rmc, you define content that is typed ( backed-up by metadata).
22.when you use patterns, you can be sure that the solution they provide or Codify is correct, useful, and has been validated.
23.patterns and pattern languages capture and formally Codify good designs and best experience-based practices in a way that it is possible for others to reuse them.
24.the move was an attempt to Codify social and religious practices, but international condemnation forced the government to review the law.
25.like many such chinese regulations, the property law is attempting to Codify and enforce rights that already exist on the ground in the country's major urban areas.
26.the country is trying to Codify the rules on outsourcing .
27.all we can do is see how things behave, Codify that behavior and do our science on that basis.
28.some day some one will Codify all the folk wisdom and forge out of it a morality, a social justice, and a book of rules for human beings, to which we all could subscribe.
29.they never really Codify it or qualify it or quantify it, and say, this is what i believe in.
30.Codify is built upon the lua scripting language, a widely used scripting mechanism used in games.
31.eisenstein was the first to draw up and Codify a formal aesthetics for the cinema.
32.we will provide incentives and supporting systems to systematically Codify what we learn through our operational engagements and external partners on a global platform of what works under different circumstances, and make it widely available.
33.as we built the team, we realized that we need to Codify the characteristics that we wanted the team to embody.
34.international laws and norms recognize and Codify repatriation.
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