Cadie Sentence Examples | Use Cadie in a sentence

1.Cadie's homepage is hosted with blogger, full of background music, poke the panda ads, and rainbows.

2.Cadie also has an auto-reply if you write to Cadiesingularity@gmail. com, and she shows her face on knol.

3.Cadie - argentine chamber of electronic industries

4.however, while we still think of Cadie as a young entity, we are convinced now that she has evolved her own "strong ai" presence.

5.the second generation cad integrated environment (Cadie) is the subproject of abe-cims and is a large scale software project.

6.also, the google code hosted Cadie tries to answer your programming questions. google books, Cadie recommends several books on topics like neural networks and language processing.'s also worth noting that Cadie was never shown any textbooks and reading material for the classes; she was only administered the exams. japan, a Cadie page is also linked from the homepage, and Cadie appears in certain search results. which direction will Cadie's consciousness evolve?