Attacked Sentence Examples | Use Attacked in a sentence

1.the qi troops Attacked us. armed with knives and clubs Attacked his home.

3.we are still being Attacked by the forces of evil

4.use this tool to take a report server instance offline to investigate a security breach or if you think the report server is being Attacked.

5.they were Attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead.

6.the enemy Attacked our foremost position all night. this kind of situation where any kind of act is going to be Attacked as a betrayal, what you need is political cover.

8.two kurdish factions had been vying for control of the area; after one of them decided to support saddam, he had Attacked the other.

9.we Attacked the enemy in the rear.

10.then, the magic related to her sacrifice had defeated the dark lord, when he had Attacked her son.

11.the dog then Attacked her, inflicting serious injuries.

12.a girl was Attacked on a train in broad daylight

13.the government's industrial policy has been fiercely Attacked by the left.

14.last week gunmen Attacked mogadishu airport killing a police inspector is the duty of every citizen to defend his country, when it is Attacked by the enemy. the appearance of the enemy, we Attacked.

17.i came here by chance and was just watching what was going on, when this girl Attacked me

18.the centre of new delhi was overrun by an armed mob which Attacked government buildings.

19.three witnesses have told the observer that mr tomlinson was Attacked violently as he made his way home from work at a nearby newsagents.

20.that battle took a heavy toll of the taiping troops for they were Attacked front and rear.

21.mps Attacked lax management and errors of judgment.

22.a crazed knifeman Attacked three policewomen.

23.he had reared the animal, which had never Attacked before, since it was six months old - but now faces having to put it down.

24.he said the pirates are not concerned about being Attacked by alphabet or any other islamic militant group.

25.the virus seems to have Attacked his throat

26.his remarks were Attacked in the newspaper.

27.we will not attack unless we are Attacked; if we are Attacked, we will certainly counterattack.

28.the soldiers returned fire after being Attacked.

29.a group of gunmen Attacked a prison and set free nine criminals in moroto.

30.the only time he showed the white feather was just before they Attacked the enemy.

31.nick acted as a decoy after the dog Attacked a group of children swimming in the river.

32.he was Attacked by a gang of youths.

33.she Attacked police in the full glare of tv cameras.

34.he said they did not want war — but if Attacked they would fight to the death

35.he was Attacked by wild animals night, kate is being Attacked and left with her a strange purple residue on her body.

37.guerrillas Attacked a patrol with hand grenades.

38.two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists Attacked their vehicles.

39.while haig and foch argued, the germans Attacked