Accelerograph Sentence Examples | Use Accelerograph in a sentence

1.slowly turn down the Accelerograph to the slow speed position and let the engine run at the minimum speed for about 3-5 minutes.

2.this system makes an improvement in gearshift operation and Accelerograph control. it can reduce the drivers 'working intensity and is easier for the mender to repair it with the application of can bus.

3.application of magnetoresistive sensor for angle measuring in electronic Accelerograph

4.the valve is same as Accelerograph. the part of the diesel engine control, the position closed loop control system was adopted includes: microprocessor, isolation circuit, power magnify circuit, Accelerograph actuator of the engine and the signal modulate circuit. and realization of the dynamoelectric Accelerograph control system of x-aeroengine oil pump modulator

7.the thesis firstly explains semi-automatic gearshift principle, introduces system's every section, the execution machine's actions, the Accelerograph's control, can bus communication protocol, etc.

8.a study of the motor brake Accelerograph and the back-sight visual system for the blind area

9.the displacement transducer installed inside the Accelerograph pedal is ready to monitor the position of Accelerograph pedal.

10.Accelerograph control cell make throttle position basic stability according to windage between initialization and measure value.

11.application of magnetoresistive sensor for angle measuring in electronic Accelerograph oil level warning sensor

12.install method: remove the sensor plug of the original Accelerograph pedal, then insert the electric throttle of egas.

13.research and application of step motor in controlling Accelerograph opening of the aeroengine'oil pump modulator

14.the experiments show that the dynamoelectric Accelerograph control system with the single neuron adaptive pid control can acclimatize itself to the great movement of Accelerograph knob, the single neuron adaptive controller has good robustness and is better than the routine pid controller in con-trolling capability.

15.diesel is equipped with automatic Accelerograph.

16.this paper proposes a design project of the dynamoelectric Accelerograph control system of x-aeroengine oil pump modulator.

17.the narrative is objective and authentic with typical materials. real-time simulation of ground displacement by digital Accelerograph record

18.research and application of step motor in controlling Accelerograph opening of the aeroengine 'oil pump modulator

19.this system consists of Accelerograph control cell 、 speed control cell and switching power control cell. design for digital playback of scq-1 strong-motion Accelerograph of the Accelerograph fuzzy controller of hydraulic excavator saving energy order to decrease the system inveracious alarm, the alarm restraining can be done when the driver turn about, loose Accelerograph and apply the brake.

23.after the engine is sufficiently warmed-up , turn the handle of Accelerograph to the appropriate position as required .

24.the method is applicable for instrument response correction processing of accelerogram recorded by digital Accelerograph of china strong motion network.

25.the paper presents a real-time seismic signal detection method, based on z transformation, for the observation station which is equipped with Accelerograph.

26.impulse bandwidth real-time simulation of ground displacement by digital Accelerograph record

27.the experiment shows that the proposed design is effective in adjusting the degree of Accelerograph opening and is of relatively high precision in adjustment. the self-learning and self-adaptability of the single neuron model, a single neuron adaptive pid controller is designed based on the traditional pid control and is used in the dynamoelectric Accelerograph control system.

29.the paper bases control algorithm of operator and control program diagram on thorough investigation into truck crane operation reliability action flow, which makes sure of accurate and effective control over handle and Accelerograph and achieves test process automatization.

30.check the Accelerograph handle termly, and find out if the clutch handle can turn flexibly. an emergency, the driver wrongly applies the accelerator pedal out of nervousness. at this moment, the accelerator pedal will function as the brake as soon as the brake Accelerograph electrocircuit system is triggered. this paper, the method and theory relevant to inversion for source parameters by using long-period rayleigh waves on ida accelerograms ( international deployment of Accelerograph) are discussed.

33.the electronic control system, electronic power optimizing system and working mode control system of the komatsu and daewoo diggers are introduced here. the principles and fault diagnosis of the automatic idle speed device, the electronic Accelerograph and the engine electronic control system are discussed in detail.

34.application of single neuron adaptive pid control in controlling the dynamoelectric Accelerograph

35.when working, Accelerograph 'position of the diesel engine is set for by driver according to experience basically, which is seldom changed. automatic seismic signal detector based on a fast algorithm of energy spectrum has been developed for digital Accelerograph.

37.channels and polarity judging and correcting for the digital strong motion Accelerograph in field work